Ferenc Honbolygó
Habil. Associate ProfessorInstitute of Psychology
Department of Developmental and Clinical Child Psychology
Music and Language Development Research Group
Head Of Research Group
Research Ethics Committee
Publications: mtmt.hu
Website: http://www.ppk.elte.hu/munkatarsak/Honbolygo_Ferenc
Doctoral data sheet: doktori.hu
E-mail: honbolygo.ferenc@ppk.elte.hu
Phone/ext.: 5678
Address: 1064 Budapest, Izabella u. 46.
Room: 313
Website: http://www.ppk.elte.hu/munkatarsak/Honbolygo_Ferenc
Doctoral data sheet: doktori.hu
E-mail: honbolygo.ferenc@ppk.elte.hu
Phone/ext.: 5678
Address: 1064 Budapest, Izabella u. 46.
Room: 313