Hatékony Tanulás Kutatócsoport

The research group explores practical and basic research topics related to learning. There are two topics in focus. On the one hand, the measurement of spatial abilities and mathematical abilities and their relation to each other, and the development of mathematical abilities through the development of spatial abilities. On the other hand, the measurement of mathematical attitudes, mathematical anxiety, language learning anxiety and test anxiety, its root causes (within person, teacher or family) and the possibilities of moderation.


Kende Gali Research Group Member, PhD Student
Ágota Krisztián Research Group Member, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-2600 / 5658
Room: 109
E-mail: krisztian.agota@ppk.elte.hu
Gabriella Pajor Research Group Member, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-2600 / 5648
Room: 111
E-mail: pajor.gabriella@ppk.elte.hu
Gabriella Szvitil Research Group Member, PhD Student