Members of the Research Group

Members of the Research Group

Borbála, Bacsa-Károlyi, PhD student

Enikő Orsolya Bereczki, senior lecturer

digital competence, creativity research

Eszter Bükki, assistant research fellow

is currently working on her PhD dissertation focusing on the professional development and training of teachers working in vocational education and training, while working as research assistant/coordinator in the national MoTeL project about teacher professional learning, funded by the NRDI, and the international LS4VET Erasmus+ project that aims to adapt Lesson Study to the context of VET.

Anikó Fehérvári, professor, head of research group

Nikoletta Gulya, assistant lecturer

My research topic is how primary school teachers in Budapest can promote their students to know and accept people with disabilities.

Boglárka, Kiss, demonstrator

Borbála Paksi, researcher

Attila Rausch, senior lecturer

Lilla Szabó, assistant lecturer

Alexandra Szarka, PhD student

Krisztián Széll, senior lecturer

Viktória Vajnai, PhD student

Her areas of research are the inequalities in learning modern languages and the social interrelations of language exams.

Anikó Zsolnai, professor