
ReCreaDe - Reimagining Creative Democracy

The aim of the ReCreaDe project is starting  critical dialogues and activities regarding democracy and diversity. The target-audience is pre-service teacher students. The purpose is to raise awareness and understanding of democracy, to comprehend the relationship between education and democracy, and to build connections between formal, non-formal and informal education. Key activities included intensive programmes and multiplier events using cross-disciplinary methodologies, promoting critical reflections, pedagogical action and democratic engagement. The results of the project are an online repository for student work, study materials, teaching resources provided with ReCreaDe dialogues.  As a result, as crucial members of educational communities, the participating teachers are now prepared to establish democratic settings in schools by working as democratic professionals. The partners of the project: University of Chester, University of Linköping, Europa Flensburg University , University of Jyväskylä, University of Malaga, University College of Teacher Education Vienna, University of Tartu.

Promise - Promoting Inclusion in Society through Education: Professional Dilemmas in Practice

The ERASMUS+ project PROMISE (Promoting Inclusion in Society through Education) has gathered and explored professional dilemmas of teachers, pre-service teachers and leaders from Europe. The research created resources for professional learning, from these real-life issues. With partners from the Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University, Institute of Education, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, ZRSŠ Slovenia National Education Institute of Slovenia, PLATO, Educational Research Centre, Leiden University, School of Education, University of Aberdeen, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, SAF Tübingen, Center for pre-service and in-service teacher training the project created an online interactive platform, where vignettes can be found about the dilemmas. Professional solutions and advice were offered about the issues, so teachers can get answers to their problems, concerning teaching and education in practice. Within the project a pilot research has been made in Hungary during remote learning in the spring of 2020. Participants from further training tested the vignettes and formed the final product with their feedback.

Rapide - Reimagining Positive Direction for Education

This project's aims are to support educators for remote learning and implication technology during and after the Covid-19 situation,to create collaborative environments for learners' families and partners in community for readiness in digital education and to provide effective and inclusive digital learning opportunities. The output of the project will be about accessible interactive learning resources ,interactive online toolbox in multiple modes of co-coaching to strengthen educators and interactive digital resources which enable the wider community. Rapide project will organise 4 different events such as stimulate dialogues around Rapide project, maximise professional interaction with outputs and strengthen the project’s overall legacy. At the end of the project, participants across Europe will be motivated to develop readiness for digital education in their learning environment.

TE programs - comparative analysis

How does teacher education look like right now? What are the commonalities and contradictions in the training plans of different countries? The present research examines a similar issue. The research involves the work of seven doctorate students. There are two goals of the research: 1) Comparative analysis of teacher training elements, based on the examination of teacher training documents in six countries (Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Iran, Kazakhstan, Hungary). 2) Further development of the methodology of comparative analysis of teacher training documents and detailed description of the methodology. The source of the data are the national teacher education regulations, frameworks of the teacher education programs and course descriptions. Expectable results are 1) creating a searchable and structured database within the Edite program, which contains the TE documents of the countries included in the research, 2) glossary in more languages, 3) publication of methodology for the analysis of teacher training documents with a digital guide and 4) a comparative analysis of the collected documents.