


Educational Technology

The specialization prepares educators and other professionals to serve as educational technology experts and leaders in their schools and organisations. Specifically, students of the specialization will learn to integrate technology into educational environments creating experiences that meet the diverse needs of all learners, develop mastery of concepts in technology-rich settings while modelling safe, healthy, legal, and ethical uses of digital information, learn the skills to investigate issues critical to the field as well as determine potential solutions. All courses combine a range of resources and technologies to facilitate direct interaction between students, faculty and other educational technology experts from external organizations. Program graduates will be prepared with the knowledge and skills required to address real-world problems and emerging challenges in various learning settings.

The program aligns with the Educational Science MA Qualifications Framework of ELTE and international standards, specifically ISTE Standards for Technology Coaches. The objectives of the program also comport with ISTE standards for Educators.

Coordinator: Dr. Enikő Orsolya Bereczki

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Educational Development and Management

The educational development and management specialisation got renewed, the new programme starts in the 2024/25 academic year.

The specialization in Educational Development and Management within the Education Sciences MA program aims to equip students with comprehensive skills and knowledge to effectively contribute to and lead educational innovations. The overarching goal of the specialization is to develop experts in education who are adept in the art and science of managing educational institutions, enhancing educational programs, and implementing innovative educational projects. Students will gain insights into contemporary issues and trends in education management both domestically and internationally, understand the complex relationships between pedagogical practices, organizational management, and external societal, economic, and political influences.

The curriculum is designed to foster a deep understanding of knowledge management, strategic organizational learning, and quality management within educational settings. Through practical application, students will learn to diagnose institutional management characteristics, identify problems, and craft strategic changes tailored to specific educational environments. Furthermore, the specialization emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making in education, personal and professional effectiveness, and the development of entrepreneurial skills to create sustainable and inclusive educational solutions. This comprehensive approach ensures that graduates are well-prepared to navigate and influence the evolving landscape of education through innovative practices and leadership.

Coordinator: Dr. László Horváth (horvath.laszlo@ppk.elte.hu)

Overview of the specialisation (from the 2024/2025 academic year)

1st semester (The first semester is not specialisation-oriented, there are courses aiming to provide an introduction to the topics of the specialization to help you in choosing between the options):

  • Contemporary issues and trends in educational development and -management

2nd semester

  • Leadership, management and governance of educational organisations
  • Complex practice 1:
    • Knowledge management and strategic organizational learning
    • Implementation of educational (organizational) development projects
  • Training 1: Supporting professional development

3rd semester

  • Evaluation and Assessment: data-driven decision making in education
  • Complex practice 2:
    • Educational Development and Innovation
    • Program Design
  • Training 2: Development of personal efficiency

4th semester

  • EdVentures: Entrepreneurship in the Education Sector
  • + Internship, thesis

Research Studies

The aim of the specialisation is to integrate expert knowledge and current research in order to prepare our students to both practice and conduct research on the field of education. Our programme provides the opportunity to advance professional practice in both research methodology and management of educational research.
The program offers courses in a tutorial setting with small groups, in collaboration with research groups of the institute depending on students’ own research interests.
Completion of the programme can lead to a variety of careers within the field of education. Our programme also prepares students for further studies in the doctorate program (PhD) in education science.
Areas of competences provided in our training:

  • Research methodolody
  • Theory of education development
  • Sociology of Education
  • Planning and implementing education research
  • Academic reading and writing
  • Critical evaluation of education research

Coordinator: Dr. Krisztián Széll

Childhood Studies

The aim of this specialization is to provide overview of the most recent scientific knowledge on development and education of children between 0-12 years as well as topics of cultural and social environment related to this development. Another important goal is to provide necessary methodological knowledge about current trends, approaches, methods, practical issues to study children, and use of this knowledge in a childhood study workshop.

Individual and peer-supported learning, thinking and working together, group work and projects play key role in the courses of the specialization. During the 2 years of MA training two big projects take place in the specialization: a research workshop and an institutional practice.

The specialization is recommended especially for educational professionals who are interested in theoretical and practical knowledge about development, care and education of children between 0-12 years.

Coordinator: Dr. Anikó Zsolnai Ravaszné