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Hungarian, foreign and international research projects and websites

Hungarian research projects

Teacher panel research of the Institute of Educational Development and Research (Oktatásfejlesztő és Kutató Intézet) in 2013-2014, within the framework of ESF-assisted priority project TÁMOP 3.1.1-11/1–2012-0001 „XXI. századi közoktatás (fejlesztés, koordináció) II. szakasz” 

Teacher research commissioned by the Education Authority (Oktatási Hivatal) in 2013-2015 titled “Research of the career motivations of teachers and teacher students and perceptions of the teacher career in relation with elements of the teacher career model”, within the framework of ESF-assisted priority project TÁMOP-3.1.5./12-2012-0001-„Pedagógusképzés támogatása” 

ELTE PPK Institute of Education - Innova research project (2016-2020)

The project, funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, aimed to describe and analyse how micro-level(local/institutional), not centrally coordinated or top-down innovations emerge and spread and what impact they have on the macro-level (system level) changes of educational systems, focusing especially on innovations of the learning environment. 

ELTE PPK Institute of Education - ImpAla research project (2012-2016)

The project, funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, aimed to describe and analyse the impact mechanisms of development interventions targeted at public education, to find answers to the question of what kind of conditions make development programmes result in real and lasting changes in school-level and classroom-level processes. The purpose was not the evaluation of impact of concrete, particular development interventions, but to understand better the impact mechanisms in general.

Consortium led by the Juhász Gyula Faculty of Teacher Training of the University of Szeged -  MENTOR(h)ÁLÓ 2.0 PROGRAM launched within the framework of TÁMOP-4.1.2.B.2-13/1-2013-0008 project 


Foreign and international research projects

TALIS - The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey 

The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) asks teachers and school leaders about working conditions and learning environments at their schools to help countries face diverse challenges.

OECD ITEL Teacher Knowledge Survey 

The Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning (ITEL) project explores the characteristics of teaching as a knowledge profession in the 21st century, addressing three main policy challenges: 

  • How can we improve pedagogy for more effective learning?
  • How can we improve teacher learning for more effective teaching?
  • How can we improve the selection and retention of teachers?

OECD Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) study

The purpose of the OECD Teachers’ Professional Learning (TPL) study is to develop analyses, foster peer learning and provide policy relevant advice aimed at improving teachers’ professional learning to support high-quality teaching. The study aims to cover the entire cycle of teachers’ professional learning, ranging from initial teacher education and the first years in school to the continuing professional learning they undertake over the entire course of their career. 

Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre)

The EPPI-Centre is a specialist centre for: (i) developing methods for systematic reviewing and synthesis of research evidence; and (ii) developing methods for the study of the use research. Systematic reviews undertaken by review groups linked to the EPPI-Centre on teacher education and professional development: 

Learning Policy Institute (LPI)

The Learning Policy Institute conducts and communicates independent, high-quality research to improve education policy and practice. Working with policymakers, researchers, educators, community groups, and others, the Institute seeks to advance evidence-based policies that support empowering and equitable learning for each and every child. 


Selected bibliography

Bakkenes, I., Vermunt, J. & Wubbels, T. (2010). Teacher learning in the context of educational innovation: Learning activities and learning outcomes of experienced teachers. Learning and Instruction, 20, 533–548.  

Clarke, D., & Hollingsworth, H. (2002). Elaborating a model of teacher professional growth. Teaching and Teacher Education, 18(8), 947–967.


Czető, K. (2020). Eredményesség és szakmai fejlődés. A tanári eredményesség modelljei és az eredményes szakmai fejlődést és tanulást támogató tanulási helyzetek megközelítései. Neveléstudomány, 2020/1. 83-97.


Darling-Hammond, L., & Richardson, N. (2009). Teacher learning: What matters? Educational Leadership, 2, 46–53.


Day, C., & Sachs, J. (2004). International Handbook on the Continuing Professional Development of Teachers. Open University Press.


Day, C., Stobart, G., Sammons, P., Kington, A., Gu, Q., Smees, R., & Mujtaba, T. (2006). Variations in Teachers’ Work, Lives and Effectiveness. Dfes Research Report RR743, 1–323. Retrieved from


De Vries, S., Jansen, E. P. W. A., & van de Grift, W. J. C. M. (2013). Profiling teachers’ continuing professional development and the relation with their beliefs about learning and teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 33, 78–89. 


Fraser, C., Kennedy, A., Reid, L., & Mckinney, S. (2007). Teachers’ continuing professional develoment: Contested concepts, understandings and models. Journal of in-service education, 33(2), 153–169.


Geijsel, F. P., Sleegers, P. J. C., Stoel, R. D., & Krüger, M. L. (2009). The effect of teacher psychological, school organizational and leadership factors on teachers’ professional learning in Dutch schools. The Elementary School Journal, 109(4), 406-427. DOI: 10.1086/593940


Hoekstra, A., Korthagen, F., Brekelmans, M., Beijaard, D., & Imants, J. (2009). Experienced teachers’ informal workplace learning and perceptions of workplace conditions. Journal of Workplace Learning, 21(4), 276–298.


Hoekstra, A., Brekelmans, M., Beijaard, D., & Korthagen, F. (2009). Experienced teachers’ informal learning: Learning activities and changes in behavior and cognition. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(5), 663–673. 


Hoekstra, A., Beijaard, D., Brekelmans, M., & Korthagen, F. (2007). Experienced teachers’ informal learning from classroom teaching. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 13(2), 189–206.


Kelchtermans, G. (2009). Who I am in how I teach is the message: Self-understanding, vulnerability and reflection. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 15(2), 257–272.


Kopp, E. (2020). A pedagógusok folyamatos szakmai fejlődése és tanulása az oktatási rendszer szintjén. Neveléstudomány, 2020/1. 62-82.


Korthagen, F. (2017). Inconvenient truths about teacher learning: towards professional development 3.0. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 23(4), 387–405.


Kyndt, E., Gijbels, D., Grosemans, I., & Donche, V. (2016). Teachers’ Everyday Professional Development Mapping Informal Learning Activities, Antecedents, and Learning Outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 86(4), 1111–1150. 


Kwakman, C. H. E. (2003). Factors affecting teachers' participation in professional learning activities. Teaching and Teacher Education, 19(2), 149-170. 


Lénárd, S., Kovács, I., Tóth-Pjeczka, K. & Urbán, K. (2020). A pedagógusok folyamatos szakmai fejlődését befolyásoló szervezeti tényezők. Neveléstudomány, 2020/1. 46-61.


Louws, M. L., Meirink, J. A., van Veen, K., & van Driel, J. H. (2018). Understanding teachers’ professional learning goals from their current professional concerns. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 24(1), 63–80


Louws, M. L., Meirink, J. A., van Veen, K., & van Driel, J. H. (2017). Teachers’ self-directed learning and teaching experience: What, how, and why teachers want to learn. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, 171–183. 


Meirink, J. A., Meijer, P. C., Verloop, N., & Bergen, T. C. M. (2009). How do teachers learn in the workplace? An examination of teacher learning activities. European Journal of Teacher Education, 32(3), 209–224. 


Meirink, J. A., Meijer, P. C., Verloop, N., & Bergen, T. C. M. (2009). Understanding teacher learning in secondary education: The relations of teacher activities to changed beliefs about teaching and learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(1), 89–100. 


Meirink, J. A., Meijer, P. C., & Verloop, N. (2007). A closer look at teachers’ individual learning in collaborative settings. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 13(2), 145–164. 

Pedder, D. G., & Opfer, V. D. (2014). Professional learning orientations: Patterns of dissonance and alignment between teachers’ values and practices. Research Papers in Education, 28(5), 539–570. 

Opfer, V. D. & Pedder, D. (2018). School orientation to teacher learning and the cultivation of ecologies for innovation: a national study of teachers in England In: Hung, D., Lee, S., Toh, Y., Wu, L.,  & Jamaludin, A. (eds.) Innovations in Educational Change - Cultivating Ecologies for Schools. Springer.


Opfer, V. D., Pedder, D., & Lavicza, Zs.(2011). The Role of Teachers’ Orientation to Learning in Professional Development and Change: A National Study of Teachers in England. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(2), 443–53. 


Opfer, V. D., Pedder, D. G., & Lavicza, Z. (2011). The influence of school orientation to learning on teachers’ professional learning change. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 22(2), 193–214. 


Opfer, V. D., & Pedder, D. G. (2011). Conceptualizing teacher professional learning. Review of Educational Research, 81(3), 376–407.


Paksi, B., Veroszta, Z., Schmidt, A., Magi, A., Vörös, A., & Felvinczi, K. (2015). Pedagógus-Pálya-Motiváció I. Kutatási tapasztalatok a pályamotiváció és a lelki egészség vizsgálata alapján. Budapest: Oktatási Hivatal 


Rapos, N., Bükki, E., Gazdag, E., Nagy, K. & Tókos, K. (2020). A pedagógusok folyamatos szakmai fejlődése és tanulása. Fogalmi változások. Neveléstudomány, 2020/1. 28-45.


Révai, N., & Guerriero, S. (2017). Knowledge dynamics in the teaching profession. In Guerriero, S. (Ed.), Pedagogical knowledge and the changing nature of the teaching profession. Educational Research and Innovation (pp.171-194). Párizs: OECD Publishing.


Sachs, J. (2016). Teacher professionalism: Why are we still talking about it? Teachers and Teaching, 22(4), 413-425.


Szivák, J., & Pesti, Cs. (2020). A pedagógusprofesszió hazai megújításának esélyei a mesterpedagógus programok tükrében. L’Harmattan. 174 p.

Thoonen, E. E. J., Sleegers, P. J. C., Oort, F. J., & Peetsma, T. T. D. (2012). Building school-wide capacity for improvement: the role of leadership, school organizational conditions, and teacher factors. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 23(4), 441–460. 

Thoonen   J., E. E., Sleegers, P. P.C., Oort, F. J., D., Peetsma, T. T. D., & Geijsel, F. P. (2011). How to Improve Teaching Practices: The Role of Teacher Motivation, Organizational Factors, and Leadership Practices. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(3), 496–536.


Timperley, H. et al. (2008). Teacher Professional Learning and Development. Educational Practices, 18, 2–31.


Vámos, Á., Kálmán, O., Bajzáth, A., Rónay, Z. & Rapos, N. (2020). A különböző ágazatokra jellemző professzionalizálódás tanulságai a pedagógus folyamatos szakmai fejlődésének, tanulásának megértésében. Neveléstudomány, 2020/1. 7-27.


Vámos, Á. (szerk.) (2016). Tanuló pedagógusok és az iskola szakmai tőkéje. Budapest: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó.


Vermunt, J. D. and Endedijk, M. D. (2011): Patterns in teacher learning in different phases of the professional career. Learning and Individual Differences. Vol. 21. pp. 294–302.

Hungarian and international professional associations and conferences

Hungarian associations

Magyar Nevelés- és Oktatáskutatók Egyesülete – Hungarian Educational Research Association (HERA) 

Tanárképzők Szövetsége (Association of Teacher Trainers) 

Kutató Tanárok Országos Szövetsége (KUTOSZ, Association of Teacher Researchers) 

Hungarian conferences

Országos Neveléstudományi Konferenciák (ONK, Natonal Conferences of Education Science) 

Hungarian Conference on Educational Research (HUCER) 

Mesterpedagógusok sonkádi szabadegyeteme (Sonkád open university of master teachers)

International associations

European Educational Research Association (EERA) 

Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) 

International conferences

ATTEE annual, winter and spring conferences